Saturday 11 May 2019

15 Ramadan, Birthday of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A.S.W)

15 Ramadan, Birthday of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (PBUH)

Name : Hassan (a.s.) - the 2nd Holy Imam

Title : al-Mujtaba

Agnomen : Abul-Mohammad

Father : Imam Ali(a.s.) - the 1st Holy Imam

Mother : Mistress of the women of the world, Lady Fatima Az-Zahra(s.a.) bint-e-Mohammad Rasool-Allah(pbuh&hf)

Birth :

At Madina on 15th of Ramzan 3 AH (624 AD) First Important Joyous occassion in the household of the Prophet !

His Birth and blessings

The 2nd Imam after Imam Ali(a.s.) was his son Imam Hassan(a.s.), the son of the leader of the women of the worlds, Bibi Fatima(s.a.), daughter of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hf). Imam Hassan(a.s.)'s kunya was Abu Muhammad. He was born in Medina, on the night of the 15th day of Ramadan, three years after the hijra (624 AD).

When Imam Hassan(a.s.) was born, the Prophet(pbuh&hf) took him and said the adhan (call to prayer) in his right ear, and said the iqama (words similar to the adhan) in his left ear. Then he sacrificed a ram for him (in the ceremony of aqiqa). Then he shaved his hair. He (i.e., the Prophet (pbuh&hf)) gave silver equal to his hair. So the weight of Imam Hassan(a.s.)'s hair was a dirham and some of silver. Then he ordered his hair to perfumed. So the aqiqa and giving alms as equal as the weight of hair have become Sunna (an act of the Prophet(pbuh&hf)).

Bibi Fatima(s.a.) brought her two sons, Imam Hassan(a.s.) and Imam Hussain(a.s.) to the Apostle of God(pbuh&hf) at the time when he was suffering from the sickness from which he died. "Apostle of God," she said, "these are your two (grand) sons. Give them something as an inheritance". "As for Hassan," he replied, "he has my form and my nobility. As for Hussain, he has my generosity and my bravery."

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ملا صدر الدین شیرازی عرف ملا صدرا.

ملا صدر الدین شیرازی عرف ملا صدرا.  تحریر : سید ذوالفقار علی بخاری.  ایک بار ضرور پڑھے.   نوٹ.   فیس بک پر کچھ ایسی پوسٹ نظر سے ...